Web Development with Node and Express By Ethan Brown free download

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Web Development with Node and Express
By Ethan Brown
Leveraging the JavaScript Stack
Learn how to build dynamic web applications with Express, a key component of the Node/JavaScript development stack. In this hands-on guide, author Ethan Brown teaches you the fundamentals through the development of a fictional application that exposes a public website and a RESTful API. You’ll also learn web architecture best practices to help you build single-page, multi-page, and hybrid web apps with Express.

Ebook: $25.99
Print & Ebook: $32.99
Pre-Order Print: $29.99

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Business Planning Essentials For Dummies Free Download

Business Planning Essentials For Dummies 
by Veechi Curtis

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Decision Making For Dummies free download

Decision Making For Dummies 
by Dawna Jones

Discover the best approaches for making business decisions
Today's business leaders have to face the facts—you can't separate leadership from decision making. The importance of making decisions, no matter how big or small, cannot be overstated. Decision Making For Dummies is a candid resource that helps leaders understand the impact of their choices, not only on business, but also on their credibility and reputation. Designed for managers, business owners, and anyone else who makes tough decisions on a daily basis, this guide helps you figure out if the decisions you're making are the right ones.

In addition to helping you explore how to evaluate your choices, Decision Making For Dummies covers ways to receive support for decision making, delves into various decision-making styles, reviews the importance of sifting through data and information, and includes information on ways to engage others and make decisions collectively. Being in charge can be challenging, but with this guide, you don't have to go it alone.

Discusses the effects of decision making and outlines the considerations that must be made to gain trust and confidence
Demonstrates ways to communicate particularly sensitive decisions, and offers approaches for making bold decisions that challenge the status quo
Delves into the risks and benefits of certain decisions, and shows readers the best ways to evaluate choices
Outlines smart strategies for engaging others and drawing them into the decision-making process
Crucial decisions need to be made every day in the business world, so there's no time to waste. Make Decision Making For Dummies your primary resource for learning to choose your actions wisely and confidently.

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Jump Start PHP free download

Jump Start PHP
 by Callum Hopkins free download

Jump Start PHP

PHP is a hugely popular language that powers the backend of 80% of websites, including Internet giants such as Facebook, Wikipedia and WordPress. It’s an easy language to learn and great for beginners, so you can get up and running fast!

In Jump Start PHP you’ll learn step-by-step how to build a complete blog application, understand how PHP works with data, and improve the security of your PHP apps. In just one weekend, you’ll have a solid base to start writing PHP on your own!

Jump Start HTML5 by Tiffany Brown, Kerry Butters, and Sandeep Panda free download

Jump Start HTML5 
by Tiffany Brown, Kerry Butters, and Sandeep Panda free download

Jump Start HTML5

Everything you need to know about HTML5 in one place!

If you're any sort of web developer then you need to know HTML. The language has undergone some dramatic changes in recent years: HTML5 has come onto the scene, offering a slew of exciting new features, like native audio and video, vector graphics, offline apps, and much more.

This book is the perfect primer to get to grips with HTML5, and start to take advantage of its power in your projects.

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